
Frickin Laser Beams

Looks like we’re going to finally get some Star Wars style weapons after all.

CW lasers may be effective enough for now, but fall short of science fiction. They just aren’t capable of firing at that speed. While they can melt their targets, burn them or mess with optical sensors by zapping them with high-intensity light, they are nowhere near vaporizing the outer layer of a drone like the USPL can. The UPSL improves on CWs massively. This thing is rugged enough to withstand being beat up, but can aim with precision and do irreversible damage. It can turn pieces of a target to vapor, screw with sensors enough to make them useless, and also overpower the innards of the electronics from the Dark Side.


Population Control

I just thought of a brilliant idea.

How do you weed down the population?

Float a story about the Earth being flat. The people that believe it…

…they’ve gots to go!

Like I said, brilliant.

Goodbye Facebook News in Australia

Good for Facebook.

You won’t hear me say those words very often.

Facebook made a decision to turn off the news feeds for Australia.

Australian users cannot share Australian or international news.

International users outside Australia also cannot share Australian news.

“The proposed law fundamentally misunderstands the relationship between our platform and publishers who use it to share news content,” Facebook regional managing director William Easton said.

“It has left us facing a stark choice: attempt to comply with a law that ignores the realities of this relationship, or stop allowing news content on our services in Australia. With a heavy heart, we are choosing the latter,” Easton added.

Last Day of the Month

I’m filing this one under shizz because it just should be.

It is snowing.

That is really all I have to say…

…or do I?

I started watching a show on Netflix called Fate which is a lot like Harry Potter except with all fairies. I’ll write a more appropriate review when I finish the first season. Of course, since we’re talking about Netflix it could only get one season and be really good but since Netflix decides whatever the show can get cancelled.

I’m not bitter about the cancelling. I get enraged about it. Why bother sinking all of your resources into something only to decide too soon that it wasn’t making you enough income? Look at Firefly. Jesus. That show should have lasted a shitload of seasons longer than it did. Everyone knows it.

Ok. This post about nothing in particular is over now. Everyone can resume with whatever they were doing which is probably infinitely more interesting than reading this garbage.

The picture is courtesy of this post who thinks that micro plastics are everywhere and we should all care about it.

1% Mob Mentality

I am by no means, a one percenter.

In fact, I am probably on the opposite side of that spectrum.

I do not desire to have anything that a one percenter has. If I did, I would create a task list and goals that would get me to that end. It is really pretty simple really.

We can do anything if we actually set our minds to it. We really can.

During this past “peak season” when online shipments are going through the roof, I am the busiest that I will be all year long. It is always a dreaded time of the year for me and the people that work for me.

This year I decided to do something really radical. I decided to try and write a short story during “peak season.” I set a goal with clearly defined road maps along the way and followed the plan. The result?

Not only did I write a short story during “peak season” but I wrote nearly three of them. I finished the 3rd story shortly after the new year.

I am currently finishing up the 4th story and will soon be onto the 5th story. The goal is a nine story set that I may plan on actually publishing.

There is a point to all of this. If you want something that someone else has that, in and of itself, is a problem. That not withstanding, if you want something that someone else has or even just their lifestyle you can do it. If, you work at it.

There lies the rub. People are lazy. People are stupid. People love lashing out in a pack mentality. I think it is perfectly fine to want what someone else has as long as you are willing to do what it takes to achieve it for yourself.

Thinking that someone else owes you something is retarded. Yes. I’ll use the word and if you don’t like you can fuck off. Only a retarded cunt thinks that way. In fact, I’ll go so far as to say that if you think the world owes you a pickup truck then I think the world should run you over with said pickup truck. That is what you deserve.

It is no wonder that I think people are shit.

It is because they are.

Not. Bitter.

My Love Affair with…


Well, not the permanent kind of tattoos. The kind of tattoos that can last for a couple of weeks and then go away.

My body is covered in them.


I have no fucking idea. I saw them one day on Amazon and then I bought them and now I am wearing them.

They look cool until they start peeling off.

That is really all I have. It was a stupid observation that I just made and decided to write about it.

Wow. I am a fucking weirdo. Indeed.

Oh, and yes. I love pussy too. Especially shaved pussy which you can clearly see in the picture that goes with the article. Yep. I chose it on purpose. Yum.

Personal Organization

I have been obsessing over personal development for the last several weeks.

I am working on a personal workflow and trying to figure out how to make writing to this blog a part of that. After all, writing to this blog is important to me. I realize that I may be the only one who reads this trash, but it’s my trash.

I’ll probably work on a solid post outlining all of the tools I am using to make my personal workflow actually flow better.

Once you can actually identify what is important to you, the process is much easier. This is an area in which I have consistently failed in. I suffer from the something shiny syndrome.

I’m looking forward to posting new content along with a couple of short stories real soon now.

I also just realized that I have a category called “Fonk Europe in the Face.” Yes. It is pretty funny.

Fonking Shizz

I’m reading a book series called “Space Team.” The characters have translation chips imbedded in their heads that allow them to communicate with alien species.

The funny part about the whole thing is that the company who created the technology doesn’t allow cursing. When it picks up a curse word, it substitutes that word with something considered “safe.” Just hearing that from the Audible book reader is enough to make you laugh.

And that…is some fonking shizz!