New Word

Germany Banning Single Use Plastics

I happen to agree with Germany on this one.

BERLIN — Germany is banning the sale of single-use plastic straws, cotton buds and food containers, bringing it in line with a European Union directive intended to reduce the amount of plastic garbage that pollutes the environment.

The Cabinet agreed Wednesday to end the sale of plastics including single-use cutlery, plates, stirring sticks and balloon holders, as well as polystyrene cups and boxes by July 3, 2021.

Environment Minister Svenja Schulze said the move was part of an effort to move away from “throw-away culture.” Up to 20% of garbage collected in parks and other public places consists of single-use plastic, mainly polystyrene containers.

I’m not sure if it the fact that I am getting older but this kind of thing makes sense to me. We’ve become extremely lazy as a culture and by doing so, we are ruining the planet. Instead of simply washing your utencils, we buy plastic forks and knives and then throw them into the Earth.

I bought a camping tool that acts like fork, spoon, and knife along with a few other uses and I try to use it when I can. I can always do better and I like that Germany is taking this type of thing seriously.

I don’t think the US will be that strict about this type of thing for a long time to come.

macOS Big Sur Issue

I would be posting more things but macOS Big Sur keeps reporting that the application is damaged and I keep having to re-install it. This has also happened with Filezilla Pro.

In the case of Filezilla Pro, by re-installing it, I lost all of my login information for a couple of different websites. I should have exported the list but I honestly didn’t expect that I would have to re-install everything.

I know. 1st world problems.

My First Markdown Post!

Well, it took a while to get this working correctly.

I am listening to a fantastic audiobook. The Grey Man: On Target

If you love James Bond style thrillers, you’ll love the series.

I spent most of the night getting Markdown to behave the way I want it to with my self-hosted WordPress blog.

Anyway, pretty excited that I got this to work.

Inner Monologue

Me: What are you thinking about eating for lunch today.


Me: Pool.


Me: Excellent choice sir. (voice of a butler)

State of the Mike

I haven’t written a 15 in the AM post in quite a long time. Gee, what to write about…

I walked outside this morning to drain my pool. In the process, poison found me and my leg and arm are itching. I do not like poison.

I can’t believe how much junk was in my home office drawers. Ok. Maybe, I can imagine it since I am obviously the one who put it there.

Cats are extortionists. They just are.

Netflix is making a movie out of the Gray Man book series. I recently added these to my Audible collection. Although I haven’t read them yet, a co-worker says they are good. The Russo brothers are directing which makes the movie prospect even better.

I have to work on a clients computer system today. I don’t know if I’d classify it as a fun time because of all of the added security in macOS. I could get frustrated and want to throw something.

Did I mention that I have a pool and I like it? Sure, I have to drain it and clean it every few weeks but who cares? It is a pool!

That is all I have for now. These are fun for me.

100 Days of SwiftUI – Update

The very first part of the course is usually done in a linear fashion using the website. However, I took there first part of the course on my iPad app which handles it a little differently.

That being said, there will be a jump from Day 10 to Day 16.

You are not imagining things and I am not really skipping around.

Onward and upward…and possibly backwards, at times.

100 Days of SwiftUI – Day 7 – Structs

Ok. This one took a couple of days to get to but I am finally through it.

This is what attracted me to OOP (object oriented programming) in the first place. Structs are objects.

I’ve always struggled with initializers and after this section, I finally feel like I understand them a bit better.

R.I.P. Grant Imahara

Unbelievably saddened by this.

The universe lost a great one.

Why Microsoft Why?

Why doesn’t Microsoft just have (1) game? Why don’t you just put everything into (1) game? Why do you insist on having (3) different versions?

If they are making hard copies or DVDs, it is more environmentally friendly to just have (1) version.

Screen Shot 2020 07 13 at 10 53 41 AM

Just venting.

100 Days of SwiftUI – Day 5 – Functions

Variadic is a new term for me. The ability to pass many things into your function by using…

func square(numbers: Int…) {
for number in numbers {
print(“\(number) squared is \(number * number)”)

square(numbers: 1,2,3,4,5)

1 squared is 1
2 squared is 4
3 squared is 9
4 squared is 16
5 squared is 25

This is something I haven’t used before but I might in the future.