
Great Idea

I have been pondering writing a screenplay. I’ve been working on a crapload of short stories because I love writing them. Every once in a while as a writer, you come up with a story that would probably make a good movie.

I think I have that story.

I am currently finishing up the last chapter and rather than wrapping the whole thing up into a nice bow, I’m going to leave it hanging.

To be continued…

That sort of thing.

The Hitman’s Bodyguard

I just got around to watching this movie. I love both of the main characters.

If you want a nice explosion, guns, action filled type of movie then you’ll love this one.

I thought Selma Hayek’s character was a hoot and so much of what we don’t usually see her doing. She did channel the stereotypical Latina anger issue thing which I thought was hilarious. She was just so angry. All of the time.

Samuel L. Jackson always is great to watch.

I’m not going to talk about plot but if you are looking for a movie that just transports you somewhere else for about an hour and a half, this movie will fill the bill.

Wonder Woman 1984

I am not watching Wonder Woman 1984.

It’s not that I don’t like the franchise. I think Gal Gadot is perfect for the role. I loved the first movie.

I’m not watching Wonder Woman because I can NOT BUY Wonder Woman. I don’t give a fuck about HBO Max and I’m not signing up just so I can watch one fucking movie. It is fucking ridiculous.

I was completely shocked that for the first time in a very long time, I couldn’t just BUY a movie.

Fuck you Hollywood. If that is the business model you want to go with good luck with that.

I will always gladly either watch or rent a movie but I sure as fuck won’t be made to use a service that I wouldn’t otherwise piss on just to watch a goddamn movie.

Warner Media can eat a bag of dicks for all I give a fuck. They completely ruined the experience for me.

You want to vindicate yourself?

Let people buy it. You fucksticks.

I’m not bitter. Just have a strong opinion on this one folks.

Stephen King’s IT

Went to see the movie last night with a couple of co-workers.

I am obviously not going to write a detailed review. I am not very good at that. I will say that I think it was a little better than the first version. If I recall, that was a mini-series that lasted about six hours.

One of the guys made a comment before we went in the theatre “Geez, if the first IT was 6 hours how long is this going to be?”

Running time was a bit over 2 hours.

Nice job and I would recommend IT. Pun intended. 🙂

The Lititz Balloon Incident of 2017 was a nice touch.