
Writing Update

The last short story I wrote was back in November. We had a lot of things happening around the homestead so my writing pace was affected.

I’ll be off from my regular job through the holiday season and I plan to pick up the pace and resume writing on a proper schedule.

I’ve gotten a couple of great HDWGH stories that I’ll be releasing soon. I love writing the short stories so I am looking forward to picking that back up as well.

Happy Holidays!

Article Titles to Avoid

I have a lot of ideas about what a good title should be when writing an article, book, chapters, or anything else that literally requires some sort of title.

In my most humble opinion, I don’t see the value in taking leaps or making assumptions about how the reader should “feel” about your article. Look at the following example.

19 Photos From Dumpster Divers That’ll Make Anyone Who Hates Waste Scream At The Top Of Their Lungs

Really? If I hate waste (hate is a strong word) then logically (in your mind) I should scream at the top of my lungs?

I don’t think so.

That headline isn’t even good click bait.

I don’t think that you should ever tell anyone how they should feel, how they should live, or anything else really. Why? No one is smart enough to do that. Let’s face it. People are dumb. ALL of us.

Yes. I include myself in that.

Perhaps, the article title could be written in a much better way.

19 Photos from Dumpster Divers.

That title alone peaks my interest. No need to tell me how I should feel about it. I can make that determination on my own. Thank you.

Revisions versus Writing

I am a first draft kind of guy. I can sit here all day long and pound out original material like nobody’s business.

When it comes to revisions, I hate it.

I’m doing it now. I have to go back over the last few stories I’ve written and complete the first revision. I have some beta readers who are willing to read my stories and give me feedback.

I plan on giving these stories to an editor when I think I’m ready to publish them.

Self publishing is something new I am trying but I don’t think you can or should publish anything without an editor looking at it.

My grammar can be awful sometimes. Anyone who reads this blog should know that by now.

That is all I have. Nothing Earth shattering. Just a post about how much I hate editing myself.

The Next Big Thing

Last night I began work on the 5th story in my 60 Pages project.

I have already laid out the nine story ideas I want to use but surprisingly enough, I’ve been following the structure. I am picking and choosing the order that I am writing them out.

I may end up choosing to write different stories for the remaining four. I am not sure. There is really only one idea that grabs me. In addition to that, I’d love to write something about Marilyn Manson and undue process. Society has literally turned into a guilty before proven innocent mind set.

I’m so excited to be where I am in only a few short months. The basic premise for anyone who wants to become a writer is just…write. Keep writing. Write often. It doesn’t matter what it is or even how good those first few things are. It will get better over time. My writing still sucks but I feel like I am getting better at it. I do it everyday and in many different forms. I write a journal. I write a blog post. I write short stories. I write emails however, we won’t count those. That is the kind of writing I’d like to steer clear of but life pulls me in.

Ok. Wicked little post about nothing in general or possibly just a writing update.

Have a super sparkly day!

A Break from The Crazy

We’ve been getting ready to complete a major project at my day job. This project has been pushed back a couple of times because it seems the scope was much bigger than anyone imagined. Anyone but me, of course. I remember talking to a co-worker who believed we could get this thing done in a month. It looks like we will get this done in 3 months. Ideally, this should have taken 6 months.

In talking to a few folks over the last several weeks, I realize there are two things that I am really passionate about outside of the day job. Those two things are writing and hiking/camping. Throw in a few ideas about “prepping” and you’ve got quite the mix.

A couple of books in the audible library are about what happens when we loose electricity. The power grid goes down and the whole world goes to shit. Literally. I have a few different titles but they all seem to show a common thread. People who have not prepared expect those who do — to take care of them. Extreme liberal views are like that. I have friends who believe that the government should run everything. Not because the government clearly knows what they are doing — but because they believe in being “taken care of” by someone other than themselves. As a military veteran, I would strongly disagree.

I think I am overdue to a short shory so I am hoping to write one this weekend.

I should probably start posting on this site because, why not?

This website is for me. I don’t write on it to keep anyone else informed. It is my place to discuss whatever I like and… occasionally, I get to swear.

Being single has its perks.


Under The Influence

I’ve written a small skit last month and while writing this thing I was also putting down a few Lagers. The piece ended up being very funny and everything about it just clicked.

I’ve written another piece along the same lines this month except that now, I’ve written it without the influence of alcohol and the piece doesn’t seem to be as good as the other one. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s still good work but something feels like its missing.

I’m cutting out the beer because of the amount of calories and the amount of fat its given me. I’ll just have to get used to writing without it and hope it all works out in the end.

Who knew?

A Quick One

Sometimes writing comes easy to me and sometimes it doesn’t. Most times, my head fills up with ideas and then I just need to find the right “valve” to use to control the flow to paper. Usually, that is exactly how the process works for me.

Sometimes, it doesn’t.

I’m working on something now that has a bunch of funny pieces and elements to it but they don’t want to fit together and play nice.

I guess I’ll blame the lack of alcohol. The last time I wrote a piece like the one I’m trying to finish I did it while drinking some lager and the piece ended up being quite funny.

Oh, well.

Now I have this Eddie Murphy skit in my head. “You can win Jesse. You can win cause you’re bigger than motherfu**in’ Harold Washington. F*** Harold Washington. F*** ’em.”

That still makes me laugh.


I stumbled across this photo this evening as I was trying to find something else.

This is a picture of the first room I rented in this building. It is a reminder to me of how nice the room was. I emphasize the word was.

Old Room

Motivated Writer

 After finishing “How Firm a Foundation” by David Weber I find myself incredibly motivated to write. I was curious about when the next book would come out and so I went to David’s website.

On the front page was a post explaining that David is busy writing the 6th book of the Safehold series and in addition to that, he also has a Twitter account and he’s tweeting updates.

I suppose that after seeing that David is already hard at work on his next book shows me that I need to be hard at work on my screenplay.

Thanks David.

Story Ideas

This is why I love The Writerly Life

Writerly Story Idea

The idea is that you look at this picture. Study it if you need to and then write a short story about it.

I love doing stuff like this.

Perhaps, I’ll post my story later this weekend.