Blah Blah Blah



We all plan. All of the time.

We may not know that we are doing it but we do. When you get up in the morning, you may have thought to yourself that you’ll visit an old friend.

You don’t necessarily tell anyone but you just stop by his house for a visit.

I don’t like that.

I don’t like it because you knew that you were going to do something and I think you have a basic obligation to let that person know that you are planning on stopping by.

I guess this is kind of a rant.

I’m not sure.

Environmental Misbehavior

This is a new term that I coined to explain what setting up a new computing environment is like. It is full of “environmental misbehavior.”

Nothing works right the first time in my world. There are way too many complexities. We can’t always think of everything and even though we rely on checklists more and more to make sure we don’t miss anything; we still do.

This post is really no more sophisticated than that.

Head Officially in Sand

I refuse to write about politics anymore on this blog.

So, I won’t.

I’m not sure about what went on yesterday but I’ll say this much…


The Big Bang Hang-Up

I saw an article this morning about a new telescope that is supposed to aid in our understanding of the “Big Bang” theory. You can read it here.

As an official scientific community armchair quarterback, I can honestly wonder to myself out loud “who gives a rat’s ass?” Our focus shouldn’t be on something that you are never going to solve in your lifetime. As a scientist, I think your focus should be on the here and now.

You are never going to understand the origins of something that you are completely removed from. The example I would use is someone who decides that he wants to clear a bunch of land on his farm. Cows are displaced. Will they ever know why? No. No they will not.

Why? You ask. Let’s assume for a moment that the cow has a mind of its own and can think rationally. Some dude in the next state over who happens to own the farm decided one day that he wanted to clear that particular patch of land. Is the reasoning cow ever going to know why he was displaced? Probably not.

The cow isn’t even near the source of information that might tell him why he was moved.

In the case of the “Big Bang” theory, we aren’t anywhere near anything that could help us figure out that level of detail. We would need to collect samples from other regions of the universe and so forth. We can’t do that.

Masculinity in the Modern Age

I don’t think that just because men do things that women do necessarily makes them gay.

The idea that men are supposed to be neanderthals sporting tremendous amounts of body hair and talking in the most gruff voice they can muster used to work ok in a certain period of time in human history.

I don’t think that is what modern men are or what they are supposed to be. Modern men are painting their nails. A great example of this is Penn Gillette. Watch his show and you’ll see that he’s got one nail painted orange/red. This symbolizes something but I don’t remember what exactly. What you may not notice is that the rest of his finger nails are painted as well. It is usually a shimmering white color.

That isn’t all. Men are wearing clothing that has traditionally been meant for women. They are shaving their body hair. In the last relationship I was in neither me nor my girlfriend had pubic hair. Why not? Seriously. Just try it. You won’t regret the affects.

When is the last time you heard about a “crabs” outbreak? Yeah, me neither. That is because so many people simply don’t have fucking pubic hair. It is disgusting and modern men and women realize that so they shave it off. That is something the ancient Egyptians discovered over 4000 years ago. The only hair on a female back then was on the top of her head.

A friend of mine has theorized that this is due to excess estrogen being placed back into the water supply by an excessive population of women. They flush their pads and tampons down the toilet and somehow the estrogen is making it back into our water supply. It is not a far fetched idea.

In conclusion, men have cocks and women have pussies. That is the true difference between men and women.

I don’t think it is any more complicated than that.

Personal Goal – Programming

Today I spent some time on looking at some of the goals I want to achieve sometime this year. One of those goals is to learn Python 3 programming language formally.

What does that mean?

Formally to me means that instead of learning the language by trial and error, I actually take a course on it online. I find that I personally learn much better that way. One of the obstacles to accomplishing that task was the fact that I quit my Lynda subscription.

Unfortunately, once I did that I could never go back to just using It is now LinkedIn Learning and I don’t know why but I’ve never cared for LinkedIn and I remember purposely removing my profile from the platform. I don’t remember why but that was a long time ago.

At any rate, I’ve signed up for LinkedIn Learning and we’re off and running. I think 30 minutes a day spent on it is a reasonable goal. I’ve hit 47 minutes today with a Getting Things Done course along with the start of the actual Python course by Bill Weinman who is awesome but also makes me want to take a nap. I’m pretty sure that is the same guy who taught the SQL course that I kept falling asleep in the middle of.

In any event, I believe that without taking small steps every day you’ll never reach the place you are trying to get to.

I am so passionate about daily writing right now that I just couldn’t imagine NOT doing it. If you would have asked me 6 months ago if I could write a couple of short stories during our busiest time of the year I would have laughed in your face.

Not only did I write two stories, I almost finished three of them.

There isn’t a point to this post other than to affirm that I think I am on the right track and to remind myself to not give up.

The Scientific Love Affair with Dark Matter

This is an official rant.

Dark matter doesn’t really exist. I want to start of this quick little blog post with the facts.

A quick summary about what it is…

Dark Matter was created to explain behavior in other celestial objects that science cannot explain while making observations from Earth.

Instead of trying to understand the thing they cannot understand our science community feels that creating something out of whole cloth to explain it makes sense.

It does not.

It goes against the very principles of science itself. Whatever happened to observe and record?

Dark Matter and it’s creation clearly demonstrate what is wrong with our modern scientific community.

This almost reminds me of the time man created something else to explain the world…what was that again?…oh yeah, religion.

Peak Season Wrap-Up

If you were expecting an extending post about the trials and tribulations of peak season, you won’t find it this year.

It was a relatively calm year. Great leadership made all of the difference.

We’re now on to bigger and better things. One of those things is a major component upgrade.

Woo Hoo!

A New Way of Writing

I am writing this using Ulysses. The program has been around for a very long time but I’ve only just got around to trying it out. It is now a part of Setapp so I didn’t have to spend the money.

So far, I like the simplicity of it. I could write blog posts, stories, or whatever hits me and basically keep all of those things in the same place. The only exceptions to that would be Final Draft and Scrivener. Let’s face it, Final Draft is the standard for writing scripts. To me, Scrivener is the standard for writing short stories or novels.

This will probably be the perfect place to write all of those HDWGH stories. Of course, there are more of those on the way.

I’ll look forward to writing a detailed review in the days ahead.

Inner Monologue

Me: What are you thinking about eating for lunch today.


Me: Pool.


Me: Excellent choice sir. (voice of a butler)

Better Uses for Lottery Money

Instead of a lottery with this much money to be given away…

via LNP

How about we use the money to help the homeless, fix our infrastructure, provide free internet to everyone, reduce taxes, and so on and so forth?

Just another case of me looking at society and saying “What the fonk, people?” We deserve to get wiped out by a big fat asteroid. The universe must be cringing when it looks our way.

What a bunch of fonking stupid monkeys.

Flying Taxi or Whatever

Not really excited about something that doesn’t exist but I guess Engadget needs click bait.

How about you do stories on stuff that actually exists?

I have an idea about a solar powered sex doll but you don’t see me writing about it. No. Mentioning it in this article doesn’t count.