Take That! Media

Take That Media dot Org

This is the big project I’ll be working on for at least 6 months. The plan is to put a complete archive of all of our shows on the site. We’ve done literally thousands of podcasts over a ten year period and it will all be up for your listening pleasure.

The goal is to have the site ready to go by November 2018. I thought I could get this done by the summer but I’m not holding my breath.

A Good Time


When taping a podcast, there are many factors that determine whether or not we actually “had” a good time. This week, we most certainly DID have a good time.

Right This Way is a wrap up style show that a bunch of us came up with months ago when Take That! Radio was at its peak as far as shows go.

We’ve since downsized to something a bit more manageable since Melissa Clouthier and a few other shows went off to do something new and exciting. Friday we taped another edition sponsored by GoDaddy.

I haven’t laughed that hard in months.

Jimmie Bise of The Delivery show fame led the charge.

You’ll also hear a side of Molly Teichman that you haven’t heard before.

A hard hitting first half of healthcare lead by a fired up Tabitha Hale was quickly lead by a break of about 70 minutes in which no one was safe from jokes and general good humor.

Leading into the second half, Andrew Lawton took a beating over a Hannah Montana ringtone and the show went downhill from there.

This edition of Right This Way is highly recommended.