March 8, 2009

In The iPod

You may have noticed that what I’m reading in the sidebar hasn’t really changed.

That’s because it’s taking me FOREVER to get through Hyperion.

I don’t know if I’m just growing tired of it.

I’m not sure if I’m just subconsciously dismissing everything else until David Weber’s next book comes out.

He wrote it a while ago and the bastard is making me wait.

I mean that in a good way David. 🙂

Battlestar Update #672

It hasn’t gotten any better.

If it gets any darker, we’ll have to slit our wrists.

There must be a Hollywood contest going on. The first person to take a happy and positive franchise and run it into the ground wins.

Ronald D. Moore is well in the lead.

For my Aunt

Prayers are needed. She lost her job. I’m not sure when this happened but my parents just informed me of it.

Please keep those prayers coming.

We all need them.