April 13, 2021

The Mystery of Dark Matter

Today’s random thought is about Dark Matter.

As I was sitting here at my desk thinking about all of the things that we are so close to achieving as far as space exploration, I had a wandering thought.

Actually, it was more like a question.

Why do we waste so much time trying to understand something that we made up to explain something that really doesn’t need explaining?

There is air. There is space.

Can we move it along, please?

There are infinitely many more things out there that need to be analyzed, probed, and then probed again.

We are wasting so much precious time on something that may or may not exist. Some people will devote their whole lives to this and to me, that is such a waste. A waste of someone’s life.

I personally believe that if it wasn’t for all of these “side projects” we would probably already have a colony on the moon and also on Mars.

Can you imagine what the world would be like if all of the scientists were focused on achieving one goal. The could all have their roles to play but what if they were all driven towards a common goal?

Wouldn’t that be cool?