December 2018

MacWorld UK

Is entertaining to say the least…

via Macworld UK

The folks in the UK are no more knowledgable about what Apple is doing than silicon valley itself.

I do love their headlines however.

Ok…wait a tick…

Let’s take a tangent for a second. My sentence as it’s written above demonstrates the correct use of “their” as a possessive pronoun. The grammar/spell checker is highlighting it and saying that the use is incorrect. However, the grammar/spell checker is incorrect.

I do love they’re headlines however. <– NOT CORRECT

I do love there headlines however. <– also NOT CORRECT.

correct use of “their” as a possessive pronoun. Suck it grammar/spell checker!

As for Macworld UK, you are still entertaining.

One Note Wish List

I’d like to add TOC functionality to my One Note feature wish list. I am working on one that is becoming a bit “unwieldy.”

That is all.