February 25, 2021

Personal Quote

Sometimes when I am in the bathroom in the morning, I’ll be thinking about a topic and just proceed to create a great quote from it.

The key to remembering everything is to NOT remember anything.

You are probably shaking your head. “This is complete doublespeak and poppycock!”

I assure you that it is not.

Our brains are horrible at remembering anything. If that is true, then why rely on it? While we may remember events, do we truly remember them in every perfect detail? No. No, we do not.

The trick is to make sure you write your brilliant ideas down somewhere. It could be the phone that you are carrying with you. It could be an app like Drafts on your Apple Watch that lets you dictate a quick note that syncs to your phone or laptop.

I have a waterproof writing system in the shower which is how I remembered my quote to share with you right now.

Get it down and you’ll always remember!

HDWGH – Story 21 – Supermarket Shuffle

HDWGH – Story 21 – Supermarket Shuffle

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: 71 year old grocery shopper Helen Ford is standing in front of the local grocery store in handcuffs. Police have her surrounded and are in the process of interrogating her. She is obviously confused and terrified.

Before: Gordon Hoffman was late for the “drop.” His regular girl Abby couldn’t make it this morning so the daily cocaine drop for the day was left up to a kid named Jordan Wilkerson. The drops were always made in plain site at the local grocery store. So far, no one in his drug chain had been arrested or even questioned. Who would think that drug deals were happening in the grocery store? Gordon thought the whole idea was brilliant.

Jordan looked at the hand written instructions with a bit of puzzlement. He had issues with dyslexia but he often sometimes omitted or added words that weren’t there. To Jordan, the note read “Look for a 71 year old woman. They will be near the cucumbers at precisely 0815. All you have to do is slip the package into the open carry bag that will be around their shoulder.”

What Jordan actually read was “Look for a 17 year old man. They will be near the cucumbers at precisely 0815. All you have to do is slip the package into the open carry bag that will be around their shoulder.”

Gordon Hoffman was still 5 minutes away from the store…so…

On time and on cue, Jordan dropped the drugs into Helen Ford’s purse at precisely 0815. He had certainly got the time and place right. This story would have stopped right there…except for one other thing.

While getting her purse out of her handbag during checkout, the drug pouch fell out and spilled all over the counter. The check out lady was Marcy Walker whose son Gabriel had a serious cocaine problem so Marcy knew instantly what it was, let out a few curse words in Mrs. Ford’s general direction, and called the police.